In response to the latest progress report on the Government’s Action Plan for Jobs, Dublin South West Sinn Féin TD, Seán Crowe, said that their report card should read “needs to work harder, could do better”.

Crowe was commenting after the government awarded itself an 89% success rate.

Deputy Seán Crowe said:

“This week the government claimed success in its implementation of the Action Plan for jobs and awarded itself an 89% success rate.

“They are clearly living in a bubble and are out of touch with the reality facing most people.

“Taoiseach Enda Kenny started this process when he set a target of creating 100,000 additional new jobs in the economy by 2016. Unfortunately, since his government came to power over 10,700 full-time jobs have been lost and replaced by 14,400 part-time jobs.

“These figures combined with the tens of thousands of emigrants that are leaving our shores on a daily basis are not reflected in their successful score card.

“They may award themselves an A+, but the score awarded by many our young people forced into emigration, left on the long term unemployment, or the workers forced onto shorter hours, would inevitably be a poor one.

“The report should read needs to work harder, could do better, a lot better.”