Responding to the recent Prime Time programme on Ambulance response times, Dublin South West representative Seán Crowe TD said that it raised worrying and alarming information about the quality of the service throughout the state and that action needs to follow.

Deputy Seán Crowe said:

“This Prime Time programme highlighted, in graphic terms that the ambulance service is understaffed, under pressure and unable to provide adequate services. The programme-makers should be congratulated for highlighting this crisis.

“I know for a fact that some of my own constituents have suffered as a consequence of this situation. I expressed my particular concerns last year when the reduction in services were being enforced in tandem with a new plan to widen the geographic area of coverage for emergency services.

“It should not be surprising that Prime Time Investigates has found that only one in every three people with life-threatening conditions were responded to by an ambulance service within the HIQA target time last year.

“Any fool can see that we don’t have enough vehicles or enough trained staff to provide a proper modern emergency response service..

“In the North there are 57 ambulances for just six counties, in the South there are only 87 ambulances for the entire 26 counties.

“The centralisation of the call-out services hasn’t worked and has proven a disaster. Many people’s lives have been placed in danger by sending ambulances, not alone to the wrong area but to the wrong county.

“The Minister for Health and the senior management administrating the service are in denial that real flaws and difficulties are commonplace across the service. This is clearly evident following commentary in the wake of this alarming programme.

“I have nothing but admiration for the people who are trying with dedication and diligence to work within this under-resourced service.

“The response time targets are not being met because of a lack of staff, inadequate infrastructure and insufficient funding.

“The Minister for Health needs to act responsibly and ensure that proper resources are dedicated to providing a safe service all over the state.

“We know from this programme that needs to happen urgently as this is literally a matter of life and death.”
