Dublin South West TD and member of the Committee for the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement, Seán Crowe, attended the Belfast: A City of Equals in an Island of Equals conference.

The groundbreaking conference was organised by Sinn Féin and it was attended by PSNI Chief Matt Baggot, members of the Unionist community, Church Groups, Business Representatives, Human Rights Advocates and Community Interface workers.

Deputy Crowe said:

“Today’s conference was organised by Sinn Féin so it could engage with and listen to the aspirations and apprehensions of Belfast’s Unionist and Protestant community.

“A wide range of society were invited to the event and the discussions were very positive and informative.

“The Peace Process cannot be taken for granted and this conference enabled participants to engage in uncomfortable but necessary discussions. The conference focused on the areas of identity, equality, mutual respect, and parity of esteem.

“The difficult challenges of removing sectarianism and ending segregation in the North still remain, fifteen years after the signing of the Good Friday Agreement. We need new approaches and thinking to enable us to overcome these challenges, which are undermining the positive work being carried out in communities throughout the North.

“Reconciliation and multiculturalism are the basis of an agreed Ireland, and that is the best alternative to sectarianism, segregation and racism in our country.

“There is also the need for politicians of all parties and none to work together and tackle poverty, disadvantage and social injustice in the North, and conferences like this open up the space to allow this.

“I look forward to the day when the small number of loyalist protesters outside today’s conference, will realise that meetings like this are no threat to them and they will feel comfortable enough to take part in discussions on issues that we all need collectively to address.”