Crowe said that recent scandals surrounding finances had made its future untenable but the positive work and counselling services that it provided must be maintained and built upon by others.

Deputy Seán Crowe said;

“Like many others across Ireland I have had mixed emotions on hearing of the news that Console is to be wound down.

“Unfortunately the positive work of the suicide bereavement charity Console will be forever associated in the public consciousness with the alleged financial irregularities of its disgraced Chief Executive.

“The hard work of innocent staff is being forgotten and jobs will inevitably be lost in next few weeks.

“It is vital that its vital work is continued by others particularly it’s counselling and supports service for those touched or bereaved by suicide.

“Console’s positive work and its legacy should not be destroyed by criminality or the naked greed of a few corrupt individuals.

“Suicide in Ireland is on the increase and it’s a lucky family that hasn’t been touched or impacted by it.

“Supports and services are still sadly lacking or non-existent in many areas.

“It says a lot about our society and our political elites that Irish citizens have to rely on charities or voluntary organisations for to address the needs of the vulnerable, disadvantaged and poor or those with impairments.

“Increased regulation is clearly needed following this latest ‘charity’ scandal.

“This does not have to mean less services but more cost effective supports that will have the confidence and respect of ordinary citizens.”