Good Friday Agreement Committee discusses supports for victims of conflict


The Good Friday Agreement Implementation Committee today discussed supports for victims of conflict. This included hearing from members of families of the disappeared and families bereaved through the actions of the Glennanne Group.

Speaking after the meeting, Sinn Féin’s Deputy Seán Crowe said;

“Today the committee heard of the real sense of loss and on-going difficulties facing victims. It is clear the grief does not differentiate the circumstances of loss and there can be no hierarchy of victims. All deserve support and all have the right to truth. Sinn Féin believes that the way for families and victims is through a comprehensive, international, independent truth commission.”

Sinn Féin Conor Murphy MP said;

“With regard to families of the Disappeared it is clear that these families continue to suffer loss and injustice with every day that they cannot bury their loved ones. I would appeal again that anyone with any information should come forward and provide any the information in confidence to the commission.”