Sinn Féin TD for Dublin South West Seán Crowe has called on the government to avert a second road toll increase in six months, saying that it will do nothing to help the current cost of living crisis.

Teachta Crowe said:

“The news that the government is going to introduce a second hike in road tolls in six months is nothing short of scandalous. We are in a cost of living crisis but this government just piles more and more pressure onto workers and families.

“I agree that we need less cars on the road, but we must put better public transport links in place, particularly for people travelling to Dublin before we hike road tolls and make people pay for something they have no choice in. This government loves the stick and hates the carrot.

“Increases like this are only going to force motorists onto secondary roads and clog routes that these toll roads were built to decongest. No one is driving up the M50 or out the Port Tunnel for the fun of it.

“As part of Sinn Féin’s Alternative Budget, one of our key priorities was including a deferral of any expected toll increase until such a time that these toll contracts could be renegotiated. Sinn Féin committed €31m to put a stop to toll increases. Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil, and the Greens committed absolutely nothing.”