Sinn Féin’s spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Seán Crowe TD, has criticised Turkey for carrying out attacks against PKK Kurdish fighters in the north of Iraq.

Deputy Seán Crowe said:

“The peace process between the Turkish State and the PKK has largely held since 2013, but Turkey’s unilateral military strikes against the PKK have the potential to completely collapse that process.

“It is inconceivable that Turkish authorities are now using the supposed threat of ISIS as a cover to bomb the people actually leading the ground war against ISIS.

“Kurdish fighters are the biggest bulwark against the spread of ISIS.They have fought incredibly bravely, relying on their own meager resources, to protect civilians in northern Syria and Iraq.

“They are also the primary force responsible for the liberation of huge areas of land that was previously under the control of ISIS.

“The very success of Kurdish fighters probably prompted the recent ISIS suicide bombing, that killed 32  left-wing activists in Suruç.

“Many suspicions still remain following that attack and the exact role of Turkish security elements who were reportedly significantly absent from the area during the daylight attack.

“The young activists had gathered from across Turkey and they planned to cross into the liberated Kurdish town of Kobani to assist in the monumental task of rebuilding the destroyed city.

“Many observers continue to view some Turkish security elements as being ultimately responsible for the proxy Suruç attack, particularly as the current Government has largely been silent on the ongoing ISIS campaign of brutality.

“Now it appears they have gone one step further by resuming their attacks on Kurdish fighters.

Crowe continued:

“On Sunday the People’s Democratic Party (HDP), a left-wing party who have huge support among the Kurds, planned to march in Istanbul to condemn ISIS barbarism and in solidarity with those killed and injured in Suruç. The Turkish authorities have now banned this democratic expression of support.

“While the HDP have officially called off the march, it is expected that many protesters may now try and defy the ban.

“I am calling on the Turkish Government to lift the ban on this democratic march, to refrain from attacking protesters as they have done at other marches since the Suruç bombing, and to immediately call off its military attacks on Kurdish fighters.”