An Fhirinne – An Fhirinne, Irish for The Truth, is a campaign group made up of the relatives and friends of the hundreds of Catholics, Nationalists and Republicans, who have been murdered by Unionist death squads over the past thirty years with the knowledge and active assistance of the British Government.

An Fhirinne 26 – This campaign group highlights collusion and its victims in the 26 Counties. It is made up of the relatives and friends of of Catholics, Nationalists and Republicans, who have been murdered by Unionist death squads in the 26 Counties over the past thirty years with the knowledge and active assistance of the British Government.

Amnesty International Ireland – human rights group:

A President for All Campaign – working to secure voting rights for Irish Citizens in the Six Counties in the 2004 Presidential Election campaign

The Bloody Sunday Trust – a Derry-based history and educational project:

The Bobby Sands Trust – The Trust, made up of comrades of Bobby and his republican contemporaries, holds the copyright on all Bobby’s poetry and prose and was established to publish, promote and keep in print the extraordinary writings of this young Irish man, who from prison isolation became an international figure in 1981, and who to this day continues to inspire Irish republicans in their pursuit of freedom from British rule.

British-Irish Rights Watch – British-based organisation, monitoring justice issues in British-Irish relations:

Coiste na n-Iarchimí – is the umbrella organisation co-ordinating groups and individuals working for the social, economic and emotional well-being of republican ex-prisoners, displaced persons and former activists and their families.

Coiste Political Tours

Garvaghy Road Residents site – campaigning against the Orange Order annual attempts to march through the nationalist area in Portadown.

Irish Council for Civil Liberties – non-governmental organisation, campaigning on civil-liberties issues:

Justice for the Forgotten – Website of the group campaigning on behalf of the families of those killed in the Dublin and Monaghan bomb attacks in 1974:

Lower Ormeau Concerned Community – calling for the re-route of sectarian parades:

PANA – The Peace & Neutrality Alliance was established to advocate an independent Irish foreign policy, maintain Irish neutrality and promote a transformed United Nations as the organisation through which Ireland should pursue its security concerns.

The Pat Finucane Centre – provides information on collusion as well as research and news on justice issues:

Ógra Shinn Féin – Béal

Relatives for Justice – Belfast-based organisation working with the families of the victims of state violence and collusion:

Remembering Bloody Sunday – providing history, news and analysis on Bloody Sunday:

Restorative Justice – an organisation which is actively promoting and organising community-based justice schemes:

Roinn An Chultúir – Irish language and culture site

Shell to Sea – a national and international campaign to protest against the scheme to install a dangerous high pressure gas pipeline in Rossport County Mayo, and to prevent the giveaway of Ireland’s natural resources.

1982 Shoot To Kill Anniversary Committee – 2007 marks the 25th anniversary of the murder of six men in the Armagh area. These men were brutally shot down by the Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) determined to inflict fear on the local Republican/Nationalist community. All six murders were carried out between 11 November and 12 December 1982.

The South Armagh Farmers and Residents Group – working for the demilitarisation of the most heavily-militarised area in Western Europe, South Armagh:

South Armagh Political Tours
This project has been established by Cumann na Meirleach; the support organisation for Republican political ex-prisoners in the South Armagh/Newry region.

Troops Out Movement – A campaigning organisation committed to assisting the Irish people in bringing an end to British rule in the ‘Northern Ireland’ statelet and thus re-uniting Ireland.

Wolfe Tone Society – an Irish republican support group based in London which campaigns for British withdrawal from the six occupied counties of the north of Ireland: