Fuel Poverty Getting Worse – Crowe

Dublin South West representative Seán Crowe TD has said that the Government’s promise to tackle fuel poverty isn’t happening and called on the them to use Budget 2014 to give some comfort to families unable to heat their homes and  make ends meet.

Deputy Seán Crowe TD said:

“According to the St. Vincent de Paul the average cost of energy bills has increased by €500 per year.

“Fuel poverty is an issue that has yet to be taken seriously by ‘the powers that be’ in Ireland and price increases will do nothing to alleviate the growing problems that more and more people are now facing and with winter almost on us.

“ The real life experiences are truly heart-breaking.

“In my own constituency of Dublin South West, I’ve met young mothers who are literally terrified of the approaching winter months and the cost of trying to heat their home.

“I have also spoken to fathers currently experiencing wage cuts and tax hikes and who are seeing their heating bills spiral out of control.

“Many of these struggling families are being left with an unenviable choice between feeding their children or pay for larger and larger energy bills. They also talked of the long sleepless nights that accompany prospect of a new energy bill.

“Every year hundreds of people over the age of 65 are dying because of lack of heat in their homes. One survey has shown that half of older people go without food or clothing in order to meet the costs of heating their homes.

“Is this acceptable or even right in the Ireland of 21st Century

“Unfortunately the Government’s failure to respond has deepened the crisis for many of  these individuals and their families.

“Ministers have already cut the smokeless fuel supplement, increasing the cost of living in many urban areas.

“Government has also cut the fuel allowance by six weeks wrenching €120 out of the pockets of families struggling to pay fuel bills. They shamelessly sat back and did nothing as the Regulator hiked up gas and electricity costs.

“So the big question is following this latest report from the St Vincent De Paul is, how Government will use Budget 2014 to help these hard pressed families.

“Will they do what is clearly right or will they continue on a path that is increasing hardship and poverty amongst the most vulnerable.”