Dublin South West Sinn Féin TD, Seán Crowe, has slammed the Government over its introduction of the Water Services Bill and how it stifled debate of the bill in the Dáil.

The Water Services Bill will introduces water charges, asset strips local authorities without a vote being cast by councillors, and further advances the process of privatisation of essential services.

Deputy Crowe said:

“No one should be under any illusion about how important and how serious an effect this bill will have on hard pressed working families.

“This bill aims to transfer all the water service assets from 31 local authorities to the newly established Irish Water. It will also allow Irish Water to charge households for drinking water.

“This is just one more step on this Government’s road of mass privatisation of all public services. Sinn Féin is completely opposed to this measure and has been consistent in our opposition to the establishment of Irish Water and on the introduction of these new charges.

“Access to clean, safe drinking water should be a human right.

Seán Crowe and opposition TDs after Dáil walk out over Water Services Bill

Seán Crowe and opposition TDs after Dáil walk out over Water Services Bill

“Families are already strechted trying to make-ends-meet due to the ongoing austerity policies introduced by this Government, and the previous Government.

“We know that many families are already going hungry because they can’t afford to pay for food, going cold because they can’t afford home heating, and now the Government seem to want them to go thirsty because they can’t afford water.

“This is just the latest in a series of increased taxes households are going to be expected to pay, including the Household Property Tax, management fees, domestic waste, and now they are being forced to cough up for this new levy.

“Nowhere in this bill do the Government appear to take into account people on low income or even those currently living in poverty. A millionaire will be expected to pay the same as those on the average industrial wage or less.

“A lot of people simply can’t afford to pay this new water charge and will now be forced into deeper and deeper poverty and debt.”