Delegates, as the party’s Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, can I begin by extending a ceád mile fáilte on your behalf to all our international guests and comrades.

You are all very welcome to our 2014 Ard Fhéis

In this section we will hear from 2 very distinguished international guests and comrades, who I will introduce in a couple of minutes.

A chairde, internationalism has always been a core part of Irish republicanism.

Historically Irish Republicanism has always stood firmly against racism, sectarianism, colonialism, and imperialism in Ireland and across the world.

Sinn Féin continues to promote that tradition today.

International solidarity and our on-going international work are a key component of our work and our struggle.

Sinn Féin stands in solidarity with those suffering under imperialism, and we also stand by those brave women and men who are fighting poverty and hunger across the world.

We have a duty and responsibility to ensure that we continue to support people who are challenging the unfair global economic system; a system that puts power before rights, and profit before people.

A system which facilities inequality and is set up to allow the rich to get richer, and the poor to get poorer.

A chairde, just as we cannot sit idle until we see achieve a true Irish republic, an real Ireland of equals, we must not stand still and ignore global injustice, poverty, and oppression.

Sinn Féin will continue to address these issues and we will ensure that in all our dealings with the international community, we will aim to keep Ireland at the heart of global justice.

So I encourage all delegates and members to review this international affairs motions and I look forward to a very robust and engaging debate.

But before we start I would like to introduce two very important comrades who will now address this Ard Fheis.


Speaker Introductions

A chairde, we are very lucky to have with us the new Palestinian Ambassador to Ireland, Ahmad Abdelrazek.

Ambassador Abdelrazek took up his post last November, replacing Hikmat Ajjuri, who addressed many Sinn Féin Ard Fheiseanna in the past.

We wish the Ambassador all the best in his new post and look forward to working closely with him in the future.


But before the Ambassador comes to the stage, we will hear from Josu Juaristi, a very important guest and comrade from the Basque Country.

Josu has recently been selected by EH Bildu to contest the upcoming European Elections.

On behalf of Sinn Féin, I wish him on the best for the election, and hopefully he will be an MEP in the next European parliament, alongside our 4 European candidates.


So without further ado, can you please be up right, and give a big Sinn Féin Ard Fheis welcome to Josu Juaristi.