Dublin South West Sinn Féin TD, Seán Crowe, has extended his sympathy to the Maughan family following the desecration of their son Bobby’s grave in Bohernabreena Cemetery. The Maughan family believe that the grave was targeted to silence them and in retaliation for them speaking out about another son William, who is missing along with his Latvian girlfriend, and is believed to have been murdered.

Deputy Seán Crowe said:

“I want to extend my deepest sympathy to Joe and Helen Maughan, and their family, following the desecration of their son Bobby’s grave.

“It was with absolute fury, disbelief, and horror that I heard of this cowardly attack where the perpetrators tried to remove Bobby’s remains in the middle of the night.

“Bobby was a well-liked and popular young man who grew up in Tallaght and who died tragically.

“This is a new low and shows that the perpetrators have a complete disregard for the living and the dead.

“This intimidation must be condemned and those involved in this despicable act need to identified, arrested, and removed from society.

“I have no doubt that their cruel and vindictive attempt to silence the Maughan’s has brought the family more heartache, but will not succeed in its attempts to silence.  It will also not succeed in stopping the calls for witnesses with evidence about another son William and his girlfriend’s abduction and murder, from coming forward.

“William ‘Willie’ Maughan and his 21 year old Latvian girlfriend Anna Varslavane went missing in April 2015 and are believed to have met a violent death at the hands of a County Louth-based drugs gang.

“His parents Joe, Helen, and the Maughan family have all led a high profile  campaign looking for justice in the hope that new information will come forward about the young couple’s abduction and violent deaths.

“The family believe the attack on the grave in Bohernabreena is directly connected to that campaign.

“I have no doubt that this latest appalling act will not deter the Maughan family and along with others, I would encourage more and more people to join with them in seeking justice for William Maughan and Anna Varslavane.”