Dublin South West TD Seán Crowe has described the possibility of the loss of Pádraig Pearse’s 1916 surrender letter to a buyer outside the State as incredible while at the same time they fritter money from the 1916 Commemoration budget on opposing the preservation on the historic Moore Street Terrace and National Monument.
Deputy Seán Crowe said:

“Pearse’s surrender letter is one of the most iconic and important historical documents in the history of modern Ireland. It will be sold by auction in a few weeks and given the international interest, there is a high probability that it will be sold to a foreign bidder and leave the country for ever.

“While the cost of acquiring the letter could cost upwards of €1 million, there is no doubt that it should be in the hands of one of our cultural institutions and displayed in Ireland for all to see.

“In a bizarre but illuminating statement the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs have suggested that it would not constitute the best use of taxpayers’ money.

“This is the same Department and the same Minister who are prepared to spend thousands upon thousands of euro on court cases effectively supporting the destruction of the historic Moore Street Terrace site.

“This letter controversy highlights once again the failure and warped priorities of the Heritage Minister Heather Humphries and her advisors.

“Her priorities are all over the place and clearly wrong when it comes to our republican heritage.

“She seems to have an endless supply of funding to pay barristers and legal retainers to fight court cases but is miserly with money when it comes to investing in important historical and modern Irish iconic artefacts.”