Illegal fireworks- removal a priority


Dublin South West representative Seán Crowe has welcomed assurances from the Garda Authorities at a meeting of the local Dublin  Bus/LUAS Community Forum, that they will be prioritising the recovery of illegal fireworks in the run up to Halloween. Crowe said that the misuse and distribution of illegal fireworks  was rife in the Tallaght and its hinterland  The Garda in attendence at the Forum  said that many of  the fireworks were lethal concotions and caused countless serious injuries including the loss of eyesight, fingers and severe burns every year.

Deputy Seán Crowe said:

I welcome the assurances from the Garda Authorities at the Dublin Bus/ LUAS Community Forum this week,  that they will be prioritising the recovery of illegal fireworks in the run up to the celebration of Halloween.

Bus and LUAS  representatives outlined the difficulties of running a gauntlet of these fireworks and the obvious inherent risks involved.

Too many people including children  are seriously injured every year from these fireworks, with some maimed for life, including the loss of eyesight, their fingers and  suffering third degree burns.

“A lot of positive work has been carried out over the last number of years to deal with the issue of selling illegal fireworks and the recession seems so far,  to be reducing amount of fireworks actually going off in many estates this year.

The Garda response to these lethal fireworks and have not even the most minimum  safety measures taken  into account in their design.

This is  not a killjoy approach to Halloween festivities, but  the right thing to do.

The fireworks and bangers terrifey animals,damage property,disturb sleep  and can distract drivers and cause countless accidents every year.

Those making a profit from selling these items,  have a total disregard for the community and  should cease immediately.

“Parents need to be extremely vigilant that their children are not handling or let near  these fireworks, both for their own safety and the safety of others in the community

“The community need to send a clear signal to those that sell illegal fireworks, it is not acceptable and that any information on selling them will be responded to by the Garda Authorities..”