Colombia Peace Talks need for greater protection for civil society – Crowe

Sinn Féin’s spokesperson for Foreign Affairs, Trade and Diaspora, Seán
Crowe TD, has called on the Irish Government to support and encourage
the Colombian Government to provide greater protection for civil
society and trade union leaders.

Crowe described Colombia as one of the most dangerous countries in the
world to be a civil society activist and said that the Peace talks
that have just begun between the FARC rebel group and the Colombian
government will increase the danger and security threat  against many
Civil and Trade Union leaders.

Speaking after raising the issue with the Minister for Foreign Affairs
Eamon Gilmore in the Dáil, Deputy Crowe said:

“Colombia is at a crossroads at the moment. They are facing down a
road that could lead to a successful peace process  ending  nearly
five decade of conflict, or it could ireturn to conflict and more

I hope Colombia takes the path  of dialogue and an inclusive peace  process.

“In order for a peace process in Colombia to be successful in must
also include civil society.
“ Colombia is one of the most dangerous places to be a civil society activist.
Assassinations are common place and those under threat receive little
security protection from the authorities.

” Many from civil society and union leaders who are at risk have seen
their fuel  expenses cut by 50%. This severely reduces their ability
to use their protective vechicles, and makes them vulnerable to

“We are also seeing the  amalgamation of civic society groups and
individuals in Colombia, called the Patriotic March. This is a new and
positive development for Colombia, that will  hopefully encourage more
civil participation and engagement.  The Colombian Government needs to
ensure that they are given the necessary security and space to
develop.and grow.

No-one wants to see a return of the massacres of political activists
which occurred after previous peace talks in the late 1980s.

“I am calling for the Minister for Foreign Affairs Eamon Gilmore to
contact the Colombian Authorities and ask them to reverse their cuts
as they undermine the security of  activists who are now in more
danger from those who oppose these talks.”