The outcome of the Children’s Referendum has been broadly welcomed by local representative Seán Crowe TD.
Crowe’s local constituency of Dublin South West had a large no vote  but the referendum was narrowly passed and said that there was onus on Government now, to put in place the legislation and the resources needed to vindicate children’s rights.

Deputy Seán Crowe said

“While  welcoming the result of the Children’s Referendum it is a clear that a lot more work needs to done by Government to make the rights and supports for children a reality.

“The government must now put in place the legislation necessary to give the amendment legal effect. It must also put in place the resources needed to vindicate children’s rights, especially for vulnerable children who require the protection of social services. It needs to match its words with actions.

“The low turnout was disappointing and it is doubtful that it would have been any better had it been held on a weekday. For that reason the experiment of Saturday voting should not be dismissed with on the basis of this low turnout..

“The relatively high ‘No’ vote in many working-class communities is significant. I believe it reflects deep mistrust of government and the State as a result of the harsh and futile austerity regime of the Fine Gael/Labour government that is hitting many of these communities worst. Opposition to austerity is totally justified and Sinn Féin will continue to argue against it and for an alternative approach based on fairness and equity.
“I don’t believe that those who voted no care any less about children and their many concerns need to be awknowledged.

“ Sinn Féin campaigned for a ‘Yes’ vote and for years we have been calling for children’s rights to be strengthened and enshrined in the Constitution.  Our campaign tried to get across to people the importance of enhancing the voice and the rights of Children.

“I would like to commend all those who campaigned for a ‘Yes’ vote and equally important all those who actually turned out to vote.

The people have spoken and it is time now for Government  to implement the people’s decision.”