Local Sinn Féin Representative Seán Crowe TD attended the opening of the new Sacred Heart Boxing Club in Donomore Park, Tallaght this week and wished the club with their new venue, even more success in the near future. Crowe said that the successful opening of the  project was down to the persistence, hard work  and an initiative of South Dublin County Council  Mayor Cathal King.
Deputy Seán Crowe TD said:
“The opening of a new permenent home for the Sacred Heart Boxing Club is a fantastic news story not only the club and its  many members but for  all the residents living in Donomore Park area. The building where the  new premises are  located was a derelict building for a number of  years and was constantly attracting anti social elements to the area.
“My colleague Mayor Cathal King and I had raised the issue with South Dublin County Council and many other agencies on a number of occassions, down through  the years but with no real success.
“At one stage it was proposed that the building which was to used as a meeting place for residents be knocked down because it had become derlict and was attracting troublemakers..
“Mayor King kept looking for a solution and his persistence did eventually pay off. On his own initiative  he brought  the site owners  NABCO Voluntary Housing and the Boxing Club together and the rest is as they say is  history.
“The opening of the Boxing Club is great news for the long established Sacred Heart Club, thOe host community in Donomore and NABCO the  Voluntary Housing Association. It ticks all the boxs for the Club, the Housing Association and the many residents living in the area.
“It will provide a home for the Club and its young members, increase visibility and footfall in the area and hopefully will eventually lead to a decrease of anti social behaviour at this isolated corner that faces onto Killinarden Park.
“It is another resource for youth and the community  in the greater Killinarden area.and I want to publicly acknowledge the work of Mayor Cathal King, Tommy Hanrahan of Sacred Heart and Brendan Mac Piarais NABCO and  local resident Jackie Grant.

“Well done to all involved.”