Sinn Féin spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Trade and Diaspora, Seán Crowe TD, has welcomed the Governments commitment to take a pro-active approach towards the undocumented Irish in America during the St. Patrick’s Day Celebrations, particularly as immigration reform is currently being debated in the American Congress.

The Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Eamon Gilmore, made the commitment after questions from Deputy Crowe in the Dáil this week.

Deputy Crowe said:

“I welcome the government’s commitment to ensure the welfare of the undocumented Irish, and that the Irish diaspora in general are key elements of their foreign policy.

“A recently leaked White House draft immigration plan, which included an eight-year pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants, prompted negative comments from American Republicans.

“I hope that the Democratic and Republican parties can come together on this issue and draft a bi-partisan immigration reform bill, which would comprehensively reform the US immigration system and procedures, and create a pathway for undocumented immigrants resident in America to gain citizenship.

“This week the government committed to use the St. Patrick’s Day engagements to lobby American Congress members on this issue, and also on the issue of E3 visas.

“All parties in Leinster House share a concern and a willingness to work together to get progress on this issue which effects about 50,000 Irish citizens.

“The Tánaiste’s commitment to reach out to the opposition parties and members of the Oireachtas to utilise the contacts they have in the American Congress, and to make a cross-party lobby for immigration reform, makes sense and will ultimately benefit the campaign to gain a pathway to citizenship for the undocumented Irish.”