Cabinet Brussels jaunt has to produce results – Crowe


Dublin South West TD, Seán Crowe, described the recent Cabinet “jaunt” to Brussels as nothing more than posturing and that these types of day trips needed to produce something of substance.

Deputy Seán Crowe said :

“The Ministerial hype around the jaunt to Brussels will be seen by most observers as nothing more than posturing and an opportunity for some Ministers to get in some early Christmas presents.

“Trips like these need to produce something of substance and actual concrete results when it comes to the Government’s dealings with the European Union.

“After this latest trip I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for actions to be taken on important issues like youth unemployment, which is as high as 53% in some countries, or even attempting to come up with suggestions to resolving the bank and sovereign debt crisis.

“This Government and its collection of Ministers have failed to produce a single tangible result from its softly-softly approach in Europe.

“Ireland’s Presidency of the EU in 2013 represents a real opportunity for Ireland to put important social and economic issues that are affecting our citizens, and those in other struggling EU countries, on the agenda.

“Up to now all indications are that this Government is content to follow the agenda set by larger countries, which have very different wants and needs to Ireland, and not to rock the boat.

“If the EU can produce billions for Spanish banks why has it not produced any actions to help reduce the sky high rate of unemployment in countries like Ireland?

“Why is the government unwilling to force the issue of Ireland’s unsustainable banking debt, which the EU prompted Ireland to turn into sovereign debt?

“These are the type of questions that need to be asked by Irish Ministers in Brussels. Hard working taxpayers are being asked for more and more financial contributions and they need less and less of these Government spoofers, with their vague commitments on issues that are vital to their lives.”