Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

2130 of 57 items

Human rights abuses in Palestine raised in the Dáil by Seán Crowe TD

by Seán Crowe TD

Sinn Féin’s spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Seán Crowe TD, raised the deteriorating situation in occupied Palestine and the blatant violations of international and human rights law with the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Charlie Flanagan, in the Dáil. Crowe has called on the Minister to take a principle stand and demand that the EU suspends its […]

Irish Government must tackle British Government over legacy breach – Crowe

by Seán Crowe TD

Sinn Féin TD and member of the Joint Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement Seán Crowe has called on the Irish Government to tackle and oppose the British Government’s attempts to breach the Stormont House Agreement on legacy and victims’ issues. Deputy Crowe said: “The Stormont House Agreement clearly set out the need to […]

Foreign Affairs Budget Still Falls Way Short of UN Target- Crowe

by Seán Crowe TD

Sinn Féin’s Foreign Affairs spokesperson, Seán Crowe TD, has responded to the announcement of increased spending for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade by pointing out that it falls way short of the UN target that this Government has committed to. Deputy Seán Crowe said: “I welcome that Ireland’s Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) has […]

Crowe calls for re-opening of Irish Embassy in Tehran

by Seán Crowe TD

Sinn Féin’s spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Seán Crowe TD, has reiterated his calls for the Irish Government to re-open its Embassy in Iran. Crowe was speaking following the British Government’s announcement that they were now re opening their Embassy in Tehran, which is located on Bobby Sands Street. Deputy Seán Crowe said: “It was truly […]

Crowe Welcomes Iran Nuclear Deal

by Seán Crowe TD

Sinn Féin’s spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Seán Crowe TD, has welcomed the multi country agreement that will end a 12 year standoff over Iran’s nuclear programme. Deputy Seán Crowe said: “This Agreement is a victory for dialogue and it has proved all the negative naysayers wrong. “I, along with many others, have argued that dialogue, rather than threats […]

Crowe concerned over EU’s search and destroy mission in Mediterranean

by Seán Crowe TD

Sinn Féin’s spokesperson on Foreign Affairs and Defence, Seán Crowe TD, has stated his deep concern over the search and destroy mission that the European Council have now agreed to create. Crowe challenged the wisdom of the EU deciding to use a military response in the face of an ongoing humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean, […]

Crowe attends Dublin and Monaghan Bombings Commemoration

by Seán Crowe TD

Sinn Féin TD, and member of the Joint Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement, Seán Crowe, today attended the commemoration for the 41st Anniversary of the Dublin and Monaghan Bombings. Deputy Crowe said: “I want to commend Justice for the Forgotten for all the work they have  carried out and the vital […]

British Government plans on Human Rights Convention breach of agreement – Crowe

by Seán Crowe TD

Sinn Féin’s Seán Crowe TD,  a member of the Joint Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement (GFA), has called on the new British Government to fully implement their obligations under the Good Friday Agreement. Crowe  also expressed his concerns of the new Government’s proposed plans to scrap the Human Rights Act, which could see Britain pull […]

Crowe Raises Huge Increase in Mediterranean Migrant Drownings

by Seán Crowe TD

Sinn Féin’s Foreign Affairs Spokesperson, Seán Crowe TD, has called for the EU to do more to stop migrant drownings in the Mediterranean Sea, which are claiming the lives of hundreds and thousands of people attempting to reach the EU. Crowe raised the issue in the Dáil during Parliamentary Questions to the Minister for Foreign […]