Children’s referendum throws up new challenges

Sinn Féin representative Seán Crowe TD, has  called on the Government to match the sentiment in the proposed Children’s Referendum with the political will and resources to make it a reality for Irish children.

Speaking after the Dáil agreed  on the wording 31st Amendment of the Constitution 2012, Deputy Crowe said;

“This Constitutional change is a step towards cherishing all the children of the nation equally. If the referendum is passed we have to face up to the obvious that it will be meaningless unless it is matched with resources.
The safeguarding of vulnerable children has to be prioritised and resourced.
“You could wall paper the corridors of the Dáil with  fine flowery words regarding  what is supposedly going to be done regarding the safeguarding of the rights of children.
But unless the fine words are linked to real action they are, literally, not worth the paper they are written on.
“We know that Child poverty under this Government is increasing at a higher level than in Greece.  We know that the Government has continued to cut funding to services which provides support and help to families and children.We also know that according to the Economic and Social  Research Institute that  the Government in their last budget put a greater emphisis on taxing and targeting those families  on low and middle incomes.
Child poverty had been falling until 2009 but  it has  started to spiral out of control again. The new Government since comng to power and despite their loud and hollow promises,  has done absolutely nothing to reverse this depressing trend.
“The Voluntary and Community sector provides the services that the State and Private Sectors cannot or simply will not provide.
Whole sections of the population including children are dependent on these services and the Government is hacking them away with their cuts.
“Government funding to family support projects has been cut by 17%, Voluntary Housing cut by 54%, Drug Projects cut by 29% and Sports Grants cut by 52%.

““Enshrining Children’s Rights, as this Constitutional wording proposes.will be about ensuring that the best interests of the child will be paramount in matters concerning their safety, welfare and guardianship. It will be up to all of us, and to legislators now and in the coming years, to build on this valuable platform as we strive to ensure that the best interests and welfare of the child becomes paramount in all matters.
“The need to assert and to confirm the rights of children in our Constitution is above party political considerations. We should also have  shared commitment and work together to cherish all the children,not just the chosen few, of the nation equally.”