Continued imprisonment of Marian Price and Martin Corey Unacceptable – Crowe


Sinn Féin TD, Seán Crowe this week raised the continued imprisonment of Marian Price and Martin Corey with the Tánaiste during question time in the Dáil.

Deputy Crowe said:

“The continued imprisonment of Martin Corey and Marian Price is unacceptable.

“The nature of these cases involves unseen and unknown evidence, so it is difficult for people to defend themselves when they do not know what evidence has been presented against them. The common denominator is the involvement of shadowy figures in the background from MI5 and MI6 who are not friends of the Irish peace process.

“A recent cross party Oireachtas delegation visited Marian Price in her hospital wing where she is being held. They described her as looking extremely unwell and weaker than when the delegation visited back in December. She is still obviously grieving from the sudden death of her sister, Dolours, recently.

“Marian said she was extremely worried about the proposal to close the hospital wing she is on and that she might be transferred back to Hydebank where she was held in what she called ‘the Dungeon’, claiming there were occasions in the past when she didn’t get her medication. The Red Cross has been refused access to Hydebank where she is being held and I have asked the Irish Government to formally raise this with the British Government.

“The continued imprisonment of Martin Corey and Marian Price is unjust, but the mistreatment of prisoners also has the ability to create instability in the peace process and can be used to fuel support for elements that are against the peace process.

“I am calling on the government to place additional pressure on the British Government to ensure these Irish citizens are released from their internment and freed immediately.“