Crowe Calls for Enhanced Resources for Ambulance Services

Dublin South West TD Seán Crowe  has called for additional resources to be made available for the Ambulance Service which he claimed the public holds in high esteem, expects a first class services and will not accept any reduction in service. Crowe was speaking after the recent publication of the comprehensive National Ambulance Service of Ireland capacity review which  highlighted among many issues, that  paramedics in the Irish health service are working under growing pressure, with rising numbers of calls and ever increasingly complex call outs.

Deputy Seán Crowe said

“The National Ambulance Service is a key public service but the paramedics in our health service are working under growing pressure, with rising numbers of call outs and increasingly complex call outs. We need to secure the resources, which it has been starved of, in order to provide the Ambulance Service which the public deserves. The State must guarantee basic levels of care across the country.

“Now that the report has finally been published, it is imperative that the Government engage with all stakeholders and representatives of ambulance professionals to agree on a way forward that ensures we have an operational, properly funded and well-resourced national ambulance service that is fit for purpose.

“The report has identified that the Health and Information Quality Authority targets can’t be met with the resources currently available. This shocking finding alone is evidence that real capacity needs to be increased to meet the growing demands of our population. There is also a clearly identified and obvious need to locate ambulance bases in areas where they are most on call and needed. That needs planning, resources, increased staff and their agreement and finally community buy in for that to happen.

“The Government must now, following the publication of this comprehensive capacity review, make a long term commitment to the funding of a publicly owned, fit for purpose and modern National Ambulance Service. This report must not be used to further disadvantage rural communities, already forced to rely on greatly reduced hospital services. As such, the Government, in conjunction with the relevant authorities and stakeholders must work on a blueprint to ensure that quality of care is secured for all citizens, irrespective of where they live.

“This will require immediate engagement with all stakeholders, including the trade union SIPTU.

“The new  Minister for Health Simon Harris has given a commitment to implement the recommendations of the report which is to be welcomed but his  actions not his words will be the ultimate test on the roll out of this report.

“In short, the report highlights the growing need for increased resources in terms of personnel, vehicles and technology. The new Minister along with his Cabinet clearly needs a plan on how and when precisely this important element will be rolled out. Any plan that delivers on these recommendations will in my opinion have cross party support and Sinn Féin for its part will support and contribute positively to any pro active measures that enhance our Ambulance service and its capacity to deliver for all our citizens.” ENDS