Crowe Condemns Act Of Piracy On Gaza Aid Flotilla

Sinn Féin’s spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Trade and Diaspora, Seán Crowe TD, said that he had sent  solidarity greetings to the SV Estelle flotilla which is trying to break the illegal blockade of Gaza.

Over 80 parliamentarians across the island signed a message of support for the ship before it left on its voyage and the crew on-board include Members of Parliament from Greece, Norway, Sweden and Spain.
The flotilla is expected to arrive in Gaza this weekend.

Deputy Crowe said:

“Yesterday I  commended all the crew of the SV Estelle flotilla for attempting to break the illegal siege of Gaza and expressed hope they would have a safe journey and arrive in Gaza this weekend. A number of European Parliamentarians are on the flotilla including Hagen Askel NorwayBritton Sven Sweden, Kodelas Dimitios Greece, Sixto Ricardo Spain and Canadian member of parliament Manly James.

“Today we are hearing that Israeli commandos are blocking and boarding the flotilla and arresting activists including the parliamentarians from various countries who are board.

“This latest  act of  piracy needs to be condemned by all peace loving people and their Governments from around the world. They are preventing  SV Estelle flotilla docking in Gaza and unloading its humanitarian cargo, including medical supplies and reconstruction materials.

“The blockade of Gaza by Israel is illegal under international law and is an act of collective punishment on the Palestinian people. Conditions are getting so bad in Gaza under this blockade that a
recent UN report stated that without severe intervention Gaza will become unliveable for Palestianians by 2020.

“I recently raised this issue with the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Eamon Gilmore, and I called on the Irish Government to continue to place pressure on the Israeli authorities to lift the blockade on
Gaza, ensure that humanitarian aid can enter Gaza, and to  drive efforts to find a two-state peace process to the conflict.

“The attack on SV Estelle Flotilla follows the murderous attack on a previous flotilla where 10 people were killed and a large number of others injured.

“This latest act of piracy will make the conditions for a peace process in the region  to evolve even more difficult.”