Sinn Féin’s Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Seán Crowe TD, has expressed his surprise at the Enda Kenny’s comments praising Saudi Arabia’s “leadership in terms of moderation” and their desire for peace in the Middle East.

Kenny made the comments while on a trade mission to Saudia Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Crowe stated that he totally disagrees with the Taoiseach.

Crowe said:

“Lots of human rights activists and people in the region will be very surprised at the Taoiseach’s comments today praising Saudi Arabia for its moderate leadership and desire for peace in the Middle East.

“The comments totally disregard the facts on the ground, as notwithstanding its own dreadful domestic human rights and democratic record, Saudi Arabia has long been a negative, rather than a stabilising force, in the region.

“Recently Saudi Arabia’s ruling monarchy has politically and militarily backed the oppressive, undemocratic, and sectarian regime in Bahrain, which has crushed democratic protests and jailed human rights defenders.

“Saudi Arabia has also continually been accused of financing and supporting radical Jihadist groups’ right across the Middle East, to further their own strategic and geo-political interests.

“The Taoiseach’s comments will do little to advance the cause of democracy, human rights and peace in region, and leave many wondering whether this is the Government’s official position, or an Enda Kenny solo run.”