Dublin South West Sinn Féin TD, Seán Crowe, has expressed his disappointment and disgust that a majority of councillors on South Dublin County Council voted to support the sale of public land to a private developer to deliver housing in the Killinarden Heights area of Tallaght.

Deputy Seán Crowe said:

“This decision to agree the sale of Council owned land to a private developer will be a bitter blow to all those currently years waiting for accommodation on the South Dublin County Council housing list.

“It is deeply disappointing that a majority of councillors from Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael, the Green Party, and others on South Dublin County Council voted to sell off a key public site on Killinarden Heights in Tallaght.

“This is another missed opportunity to deliver up to 500 public homes that would help meet social, affordable, cost rental, and affordable leasehold purchases that are badly needed and not currently available.

“The deal agreed by Councillors will see 200 social homes, 200 discount market price homes, and a 100 open market homes delivered on the Killinarden site.

“This decision highlights once again that neither the current caretaker government nor it seems the majority of Councillors on South Dublin County Council have any real interest in putting the needs of working families ahead of investors and developers.

“Have they learnt nothing from the mistakes and decisions of the past.  We need to stop the sale of public land to private developers and local authorities need to be resourced to deliver good quality affordable purchase, cost rental, and social homes.”