Dublin South West Sinn Féin TD, Seán Crowe, has voiced his support to the Give Carers a Break Campaign launched by The Carers Association this week.

Deputy Crowe said:

“This campaign, launched by The Carers Association, is appealing for the public’s support in calling on Government to review the cut to the respite care grant and stop cutting vital supports and services for family carers.

“I fully support this campaign and call on the current Government to review its cruel and damaging cuts to carers.

“Over the past 18 months Ireland’s 187,000 family carers have suffered the loss of more than one million hours of vital respite services, the virtual abolition of the housing adaptation grant, a 19 per cent cut in the Respite Care Grant and the announcement of the elimination of the mobility allowance.

“These cuts clearly show that the Government is not sticking to its stated policy of allowing people to be cared for and grow old in their own homes.

“It is completely unacceptable that Government continues to target this vulnerable group with cuts and makes no sense, given the increased pressures this creates on our health services when family carers are forced to put loved ones into care.

“Cutting respite care is a new low, its wrong, its unjustifiable, its mean spirited and it has to be reversed.


The Carers Association’s ‘Give Carers a Break’ campaign is asking people to register their support at www.carersireland.com, view the organisation’s new film and join its petition calling on Government to review the cut to the respite care grant and stop cutting family carers services.