Sinn Féin TD for Dublin South West Seán Crowe Seán Crowe has welcomed the extension of the long Covid payment to healthcare workers and has called on the scheme to be extended to other frontline workers who contacted the virus through their workplace or occupation.

Teachta Crowe said:

“Long-COVID continues to be a serious health problem for hundreds, if not thousands, of healthcare and other frontline staff. It is a condition without precedent and needs to be responded with sympathy and greater understanding.

“A great deal of research published over the last four years confirm it is a complex multi-organ condition that continues to impact negatively on people who previously showed no underlying symptoms.

“It is essential that we can develop an agreed and permanent solution for those affected. The temporary extension announced on Tuesday provides a bit of much needed breathing space for conciliation and will provide some peace of mind for affected health workers following months of uncertainty and worry. Government needs to follow this by including other workers including teachers, members of an Garda Síochána, firefighters, bus drivers, and others who contacted this virus through their work.

“Long Covid is debilitating and has left some with no quality of life. Some have been left bedridden, unable to even eat normally. Others have lung, heart or kidney conditions. It needs to be recognised by government as an occupational condition with supports including access to social protection and welfare schemes.”