Crowe welcomes peace deal in Phillipines Region

Sinn Féin’s Foreign Affairs spokesperson, Sean Crowe TD, today welcomed the conclusion of a peace agreement between the Phillipine Government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.

“I warmly welcome the news today of agreement between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GPH) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

“I commend both for reaching an agreement aimed at ending decades of fighting in Mindanao, south of the Philippines, which is estimated to have cost the lives of at least 120,000 since the 1970s and displaced two million people.”

“I congratulate my Sinn Féin colleague, Gerry Kelly MLA, who has been involved in the painstaking peace process which has brought both sides to this point.”

Gerry Kelly was part of the International Contact Group assisting negotiations, which also had members from Japan, Saudi Arabia and Turkey