Disabilities sector promises must be met- Crowe

Speaking following the Annual Pre-Budget discussion organised by the Disability Federation of Ireland in the Mansion House Dublin this week, Dublin South West Sinn Féin TD Seán Crowe called for a new “threshold of decency” on disability supports.

Crowe heighted that the striking and potent imagery of citizens with profound disabilities, protesting in wet and cold conditions outside Leinster House at Minister Reilly’s proposed cuts in supports, struck a powerful chord with most Irish people.

Deputy Crowe said:

“The courage and dignity of those who braved the elements to make their stand shone a light on the reality, that despite the promises from both the Taoiseach and the Tánaiste in the final pre-election leaders’ debate last year, their government has proceeded to enforce cut after vicious cut on those with disabilities.

“The multitudes of broken promises on disabilities are the cruellest of all.

“If this Government took a Kango hammer and tore up our roads, there would be uproar but that is exactly what they have been doing to the support services for people with a disability. This has to stop. We need to say enough is enough and introduce a new threshold of decency.

“We need a political consensus that will support and uphold the rights of people with disabilities to have their dignity protected, rights to services safeguarded, independent lifestyle maintained and that their families will not be abandoned to the whims of a Health or Finance Minister.

“Recently, nine leading disability organisations in Ireland spoke out on this scandal. They outlined an inclusive rights based vision for people with disabilities in Ireland and called on the Government to take urgent action to protect disabled citizens. They highlighted the reduction in the basic standard of living for people with disabilities and especially those requiring welfare supports. The Government must recognise that disabled people are more likely to experience poverty and have to pay for extra supports because of their impairment.

“Cutting the services required by people with disabilities not only undermines their lives, it also leads to a growing pressure in terms of hospital stays and expensive care and after costs. There is a major need to ensure predictable funding for the services required by people with disabilities.

“The government must publish and show leadership on an ambitious Implementation Plan for the National Disability Strategy in keeping with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which ensure peoples dignity, individual autonomy and full and effective participation in society.

“People’s faith in Ireland’s eventual recovery is not based on economic measures alone.

“Social protection for all people through this long, stressful period needs to be the central plank to the Government‘s recovery plans. The Government’s actions must also address social inclusion and cohesion, and recent Government plans for cuts, heighten these concerns in the run up to the next Budget.

“I fully endorse these concerns and proposals and I am calling on this Government to take up the challenge and honour their promises to some of our most vulnerable citizens.”