Dublin South West Sinn Féin representatives have condemned the government for attempting to misrepresent a cut to elderly housing grants as a reallocation of funds. Their comments came as Age Action, an organisation which promotes positive ageing and better policies and services for older people, criticised the cut.

Deputy Seán Crowe said;

“This is a cut plain and simple and a low blow, hitting the most vulnerable in our society. It is a well-worn tactic of this government to claim they are reallocating funds to disguise an overall cut. Funds may be reallocated but not back into housing as is so desperately needed.

“The adaptation grant scheme in Dublin was forced to close last summer due to a lack of funds. Now they are making it harder for older people to be eligible, by raising the age to 66, reducing the maximum grant by a fifth and raising contributions.

“If the government and the Minister cannot stand over their cuts then they should reconsider them. For the sake of many older people and those with disabilities living in inappropriate conditions I hope they do.”

Sinn Féin Councillor for Tallaght Central Máire Devine added;

“The Labour Party are doing in Government what they claimed to be against in opposition. These are the actions of a petty, punitive and unfair administration, which is failing older citizens who have contributed much to this state throughout their working lives.

“Public nursing homes are being dispensed with to private operators while Tallaght Hospital has growing waiting lists for nursing home placement. This crisis will become untenable and is morally adrift.

“Sinn Féin will continue to support older people and those with disabilities choosing to live in their homes and communities for as long as they wish.”