Fianna Fáil huffing and puffing while people try to deal with crisis

Dublin South West representative Seán Crowe responding to Fianna Fáil
Micheál Martin’s attack on Sinn Féin said that the former Fianna Fáil
Minister, who was in denial when the IMF boys came to town,  can
hardly accuse anyone of distorting events.

Crowe said his remarks about children in poverty in the North don’t
stack up considering Sinn Féin is trying to actually prevent cuts by
the British Government to vulnerable sick people and their families
who are on welfare.

Deputy Seán Crowe TD;

“Micheál Martin’s criticism of the Fine Gael/Labour government rings
hollow. This government is simply implementing the same policies of
the last Fianna Fáil government.

“Fianna Fail and Michael Martin are in no position to criticise anyone
about putting party interest first, considering their central role in
creating a financial crisis that has brought families to a financial
cliff, forced hundreds of thousands of our population to emigrate,
gave away our limited sovereignty, ruined families and pushed more
into poverty.

“This is the party whose former leader Bertie Ahern told those
‘wafflers’ who queried where the speculation bubble was going, to
‘commit suicide.’

“Martin’s attack on Sinn Féin is equally bogus. The end of conflict,
the peace process and the power sharing institutions are among the
greatest achievements of modern years.

“Fianna Fáil is the party that said they were going to organise in the
North and take on Sinn Féin. We are still awaiting that historic move,
but don’t hold your breath, as wiser heads would say.

“He accuses Sinn Féin of putting party before Country.  Hello, what
did the last Fianna Fáil Government and cabinet member Micheál
actually do?

“In the North during the most sensitive period of peace negotiations
they put Ray Burke in charge.  Good old Ray, remember him Micheál,
your cabinet colleague.

“Of course Bertie, who was really lucky with the Ge Ge’s, checked out
Ray, up every tree in North Dublin looking for evidence, about good
old Ray’s corrupt dealings.

“Does Deputy Martin think people, ‘on mature reflection’, are stupid.

“Behind all this bluster and waffle, Martin and his Fianna Fáil party
doesn’t know if he opposes the Government and its austerity agenda.

“They would love to be in what they see as their god given right
position, doing exactly the same as Fine Gael and Labour, implementing
the same cuts, the same policies, that are crippling low and middle
income families.

“Yesterday’s speech was grandstanding Fianna Fáil style.

“In meantime more and more people are emigrating, losing their jobs,
finding it increasingly difficult to feed their children and Micheál
Martin attacks the party opposing this austerity.

“Fianna Fail logic no doubt.”