Home Tax – A Tax Too Far for Too Many – Crowe

Sinn Féin representative for Dublin South West Seán Crowe TD has said the Family Home Tax will be “unsustainable for many struggling families and individuals and that the legislation being rushed through the Dáil at this time shows the government is “out-of-touch with citizens and their economic reality”.

Deputy Seán Crowe said;

“Late Tuesday night the Government rushed through their second piece of legislation on the Family Home Tax. It is a tax that will financially cripple families and many individuals  who are already in financial hock to the banks and their various off  shoots.
“Once again the Government’s large majority and arrogant attitude resulted in little or no debate and on this and on probably one of the most important issues facing Irish people at this particular time in their lives.

“The Cabinet in their wisdom and with their large salaries will not feel the effect of this new tax, but hundreds of thousands of others in mortgage arrears, unemployed or simply struggling month to month will experience  it acutely. The government needs to get out of their comfortable well cushioned seats and recognise the hardship they are creating and maintaining with their policies.

“Sadly this particular legislation seems to be getting rushed through without any proper debate so that the Revenue Commissioners can post out letters of demand over the next couple of days. This will be another bill on top of the increases in motor tax, electricity, gas, fuel and other direct and indirect taxes.
“The government is also hell-bent on taxing water as soon as they can and comes on top of five years of austerity budgets.

“Surely at some point someone in this government will  recognise that the very same  people that they are constantly targeting are carrying too great a tax burden and it is not sustainable. This should be clear from their own figures that  highlight the mortgage arrears crisis, the sky-high rates of unemployment and the highest level of emigration since An Gorta Mór

“Sinn Fein’s proposal to share the burden by introducing an alternative Wealth Tax would be a fairer alternative and would not cripple families or dampen our stagnant domestic economy.

“Unlike other parties we have been clear and consistent opposition to this Family Home Tax.
“Its an unfair tax, which disregards stamp duty or management fees that have been paid and ignores even the householders ability to pay.
“What happened this week in the Dáil and the manner it was rushed through was wrong.
“The Family Home Tax is a  tax too far, for too many”