Dublin South West Sinn Féin TD, Seán Crowe, today warned that the government’s new policy proposals will leave the less well off with only a trickle of water.

Crowe was responding to media reports that the government has now agreed on new legislation that will allow Irish Water to reduce the water pressure to people’s homes if they do not or cannot pay up.

Deputy Seán Crowe said:

“The government’s Water Services Bill allows for the water pressure to be reduced to a trickle, to householders who fail to pay their water rates. This is unacceptable and will impact more on the less well-off and those who cannot afford this new charge.

“Access to water is a basic human right and to threaten hard pressed families with reducing their water is nothing short of a bullyboy tactic.

“Many will see this as a cynical move, particularly as the government are holding off on issuing bills till 2015, which is after next year’s local elections.

“We also understand that this Bill will transfer all water service assets from local authorities to Irish Water at no financial charge to that company.

“This is despite the public having paid for these assets in their taxes for decades.

“This is asset stripping plain and simple, and it is setting the scene for the full privatisation of water.

“At a time when families are struggling with current outgoings they will be hit with another large bill.

“In Denmark with a population similar to our own, water metering is in place and in 2007 the average cost was €715 per household.

“The current proposal to install water meters and charge household for water was the brainchild of Fianna Fail, brought to life by Fine Gael, and supported by the Labour Party.

“Sinn Féin supports the introduction of district metering as opposed to installing domestic water meters in every household.

“It is cheaper, more effective and already operates in many areas around the State.

“New water charges will mean the public pay up to three times for the water they drink. Firstly in their general taxes, secondly through this new charge and finally they will pay through the National Pension Reserve Fund, which is being used to fund the installation of these water meters.

“Local Authority Professional Officers have already given estimates of €1.2 billion to cover the cost of the installation and it is ordinary householders that will be footing the bill.

“Logic and economic sensibilities seem to be way down the list of priorities when it comes to water.

“In the meantime footpaths are being installed across Dublin South West that will inevitably be dug up a later stage for these new water meters.

“Many of the same meters will also be obsolete before their eventual roll out across the state is finished.

“Sinn Féin is committed to opposing the installation of domestic water meters and the introduction of domestic water charges because if doesn’t make any sense.

“The government’s new policy proposals will also leave the less well-off and those who cannot pay, facing another crisis with only a trickle of water coming into their house to meet their needs.”