National Famine Commemoration should be held on a fixed Sunday ever year- Seán Crowe TD

Sinn Féin TD Séán Crowe has stated that the National Famine Commemoration An Gorta Mór should be held on a fixed Sunday every year.

Deputy Crowe said that it is wholly appropriate that a date is fixed around which minds and hearts can be focused on properly commemorate the millions of lives lost during An Gorta Mór the Great Hunger.

He also expressed his disappointment that the views of Minister Heather Humphreys are at odds with such a move and he, once again, called on her to review her position in order ensure that the Great Hunger is placed centrally on the calendar of national commemorative events.

Deputy Crowe said;

“The fact that the day on which we commemorate A Gorta Mór is decided on whims and schedules of two individuals is a very poor reflection on how ‘official Ireland’ views its centrality to our history and its poignancy for our people today.”

“It is wholly appropriate that a date is fixed to properly commemorate the most traumatic event in Irish history. A fixed Sunday, every year, would allow for hearts and minds to be genuinely focused on how the loss of so many lives on this island shaped everything that followed.”

“It is astonishing that, as confirmed in Minister Humphreys’ reply to my Parliamentary Question, that the schedules of The President and An Taoiseach take precedence over the historical and contemporary significant of the Great Hunger. Simply put, surely the diaries of The President and An Taoiseach should adapt to the date of the commemoration and not the other way around. It is breathtaking that The Minister with responsibility for championing our heritage would hold such a narrow and contrary view.”

“I am aware that significant number of TDs in favour of a Fixed Sunday for the National Famine Memorial Day in the National Calendar. It is time for the Minister to listen and respond in a more proactive way.”

“I am calling on Minister Humphreys, once again, to review her own ill thought out position and revisit the whole idea of holding the national commemoration on a fixed Sunday. I believe that a fixed date, around which awareness can be built and set in the public consciousness, would benefit and deliver immeasurable benefits for commemorating An Gorta Mór and educating younger generations about it’s importance and centrality in our collective story as developing nation.”


NO. 382

To ask the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht if she has discussed the option of selecting a fixed Sunday in the year to commemorate the National Famine Commemoration Day with the National Famine Commemoration Committee; and if this decision will be taken soon..
Seán Crowe.

* For WRITTEN answer on Tuesday, 14th June, 2016.

Ref No: 15404/16 Proof: 415


Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (Ms. Heather Humphreys, T.D.)

As Chair of the National Famine Commemoration Committee, I am responsible for ensuring that appropriate arrangements are in place to commemorate the Great Irish Famine. In carrying out these functions, my main focus is to ensure that the victims of the Irish Famine are respectfully and appropriately remembered. In that context, I also seek to raise awareness of current food security issues worldwide.

I can confirm that the Committee has previously discussed the issue of a fixed date for the commemoration and is of the view that, while we aspire to organise the National Famine Commemoration on the second Sunday in May of each year and do so wherever possible, some degree of flexibility is required around this date. This flexibility is needed to try to adapt to the demanding schedules faced by the President and An Taoiseach with a view to their leading the official representation at the annual National Famine Commemoration ceremony whenever possible and also to allow for the particular circumstances that may arise around the arrangements, including the choice of site, in any given year.

For example, in 2015 the commemoration was held in September due to organisational matters which arose as a result of the staging of the event for the first time in Northern Ireland. The event, held in in Newry, Co Down, proved to be a great success with significant cross-community representation. This year, due to the number of events relating to the centenary of the Easter Rising which took place in March, April and May, it was decided that the National Famine Commemoration should take place in September. This will allow the ceremony to receive the level of public attention and participation that it warrants as a major national commemorative event.

In conclusion, I am satisfied that the retention of flexibility in relation to the date of the commemoration does not detract from its key aim, which is to have a fitting national ceremony to remember and show respect for all those who died or suffered loss during the Great Famine. In fact, this flexibility facilitates the commemoration being held in the most appropriate context each year. In the circumstances, I have no plans to designate a fixed date for the National Famine Commemoration.