No HSE Recovery for HSE as Employment Moratorium Kicks In

Dublin South Sinn Féin TD Seán Crowe has said that the  suspension of recruitment in the HSE has again highlighted the lack of Fine Gael’s so-called recovery and demonstrates the urgent need for greater investment in our public health service.

Seán Crowe TD said:

“The news that the HSE has suspended all recruitment of staff is the latest demonstration of the complete lack of empathy and total detachment with which Fine Gael treats the public health service. By starving the HSE of the ability to recruit staff to open beds and ward and to start tackling the years of long waiting lists, this Government is making the crisis in the health system even worse.

“My party Sinn Féin in our alternative budget proposals identified €3.3bn which could have been invested in the public health service. We want to end the two-tier structure of the current model of healthcare and work towards a universal healthcare system. Our alternative would have, instead of recklessly cutting the tax base to benefit the wealthiest in our society, instead hired 6,600 nurses, doctors, and dentists to ease the crisis of trollies and longer and longer waiting lists.

“The crisis in our emergency departments and for those stuck on waiting lists will not improve without extra staff and a recruitment drive. The Fine Gael Government and their ‘Endapendents’ might be enjoying the election spoils but they are far from fixing our broken health service.

“The latest moratorium on recruiting in the HSE will mean no recovery for the HSE and no easing of the burden of those languishing or trolleys or on a merry go around queue, awaiting life changing surgery.” ENDS