Sinn Féin TD for Dublin South West Seán Crowe has described the Governments failure to support Sinn Féin’s Bill, the Misuse of Motor Vehicles (Public Spaces) Bill 2012, which aims to empower the Gardaí to deal with the misuse of vehicles particularly quad bikes and dirt bikes in public parks and green spaces as an illogical and a nonsensical approach.

Crowe also described the officials in the Garda Commissioner’s Office who supposedly recommended that the Minister reject the Bill as out of touch and clearly  not up to speed on what is happening in many communities across the state.

Sinn Féin moved the Bill in the Dáil this week but the Minister for State responding indicated that the Government would be voting against the legislation on the basis of the recommendation, as there was sufficient legislation in this area and would look at it again if the problem got any worse.

Deputy Seán Crowe said;

“This is a very simple Bill which overnight, would transform the quality of life for residents living near green spaces or parks where this activity can be a daily nightmare. The new Bill would give the power and the impetus for the Minister for Transport in cooperation with the Minister for Justice to lay down regulations allowing the Gardaí to deal with the problem of the misuse of motorised vehicles in public spaces and designated as such by Local Authority Bye Laws.

“Many are responsible in their use of these vehicles but in some cases they are used to torment local communities and damage public space including sports facilities.

“On a regular basis many of these vehicles tear up football pitches, green spaces and are a danger to anyone using public parks for leisure activities.
“This Bill would help the Garda Authorities in cooperation with local communities to deal with the growing problem of the anti-social misuse of ATV’s (All Terrain Vehicles).”Most public representatives are only too aware of the recent growth in popularity of mini-bikes, dirt bikes and quad bikes over the last number of years and will have had to try and deal with the associated problems arising from their use in residential areas and public spaces.

“Parks and green spaces should be inclusive and safe places for the entire community to enjoy facilities and the environment.

“This Bill was a genuine attempt to try and improve the law and more importantly the lives of people who use our parks and greens.

“These vehicles can bring pleasure to users, but also noise pollution, damage to public and private property as well as in extreme cases endangerment of the public.

“This Bill is not designed to criminalise users of these vehicles but to allow the Gardaí to potentially seize such vehicles when misused in public spaces and on green spaces not designated for the use of motor vehicles.

“There is clearly a gap in legislation and the Garda response, up to now has been that there is little they can do as they don’t have the power to seize the vehicles.

“I was flabbergasted to hear today that the Garda Commissioner and his officials have recommended to the Minister that the Sinn Féin Bill that would address this very anomaly in law should be rejected.

“This is totally illogical and needs a lengthy comprehensive explanation from the Garda Commissioner.

“The Government also need to explain to residents and communities plagued by this activity how they are now going to resolve this problem.”
