Social Cost of Austerity Appalling-Crowe

Dublin South West TD, Seán Crowe, has called on the Government to end its crippling austerity policies which are creating a massive social cost, and has called for a poverty proofed 2013 budget.

Deputy Crowe attended the Saint Vincent de Paul (SVP) Pre-Budget Briefing  which focused on ‘The Human Face of Austerity’.

Speaking after launch Deputy Seán Crowe said:

“I want to thank St Vincent De Paul Society for inviting me to their pre-budget briefing. It was informative, but appalling, to hear the real life case studies that SVP deal with every single day, that are directly due to the austerity measures being pursued by this Government.

“SVP sees at first-hand the impact that the economic crisis is having on households. Calls for assistance to SVP offices around the country have rose 80% since 2009. The impact of cutbacks to incomes and services has been most keenly felt by those least able to asorb it.

“Those on low and middle income who have already borne the brunt of the Government cut-backs and who are unable to take anymore must be protected in the upcoming budget. Further Social Welfare, Education and Health cut-backs will drive hundreds of thousands into further poverty and hardship.

“One of the most important jobs for this Government is to ensure private banking debt does not continue to impoverish taxpayers. We need a  new deal to separate our sovereign debt and private immediately.We dont need actions  not more rhetoric or unclear statements from EU leaders. We need a deal that will make a real difference to struggling workers and  their families.

“The Government must also create a stimulus package for the economy which will create jobs and facilitate investment. Unemployment and emigration are at levels not seen for decades. The old policies and the old approaches are not working.  New thinking, new polices and a new economic programme are required.

“Sinn Féin’s recently released jobs document contains a €13 billion stimulus, a jobs retention fund, and a series of other measures to assist young people; to assist struggling businesses; to foster entrepreneurs; to grow local enterprises (co-ops); the use of state assets for job creation; the rejuvenate of the state enterprise sector; and support for the agri-food sector.

“This €13 billion stimulus would create an average of 156,000 immediate and longer term jobs, according to the ESRI.

“This Government is failing to deal with the economy and the appalling social costs that their austerity policies are creating. They need to understand that families and households are at breaking point and genuinely fearful of the upcoming Budget.

“The Government to ensure that the most vulnerable and struggling families and households are protected in the Budget and not targeted by further cut-backs”