The Government must protect vulnerable low and middle income families- Crowe

Dublin South West TD, Seán Crowe, has said that the Government’s social and economic policies are designed to protect the rich, and they are negatively impacting the majority of ordinary people.

Crowe was commenting after Social Justice Ireland (SJI) recently released their ‘What Would Real Recovery Look Like? Securing Economic Development, Social Equity and Sustainability’ report. This report clearly shows that the Government’s policies have failed to tackle the big social and economic issues that Ireland is facing.

Deputy Crowe said:

“The Government continue to tell us that the worst is over and things are getting better, but most low and middle income workers and families are struggling more than ever.

“Since this Government has come to power workers and their families have had to suffer huge cuts in their salaries, if they are lucky enough not to be one of the 426,000 now unemployed.

“The Government has also seen fit to implement cuts in child benefit, the mobility allowance, and home care hours, and they have introduced a family home tax and a water tax.

“These policy driven cuts and taxes are affecting low and middle income families the hardest. This report clearly shows that the Government is unfairly focusing on cuts and tax increases which affect the most vulnerable and least able to pay.

“The Social Justice Ireland report outlines how many of the Government’s initiatives since the current crisis began have been deeply flawed and attacked struggling workers and families.

“What is extremely frustrating is that there are alternatives to the Government’s present approach. For example, by introducing a wealth tax of 1% on all assets over €1 million, the Government would not have to introduce its crippling home tax.

“The Government must protect vulnerable low and middle income families, and make fair budget adjustments through a more fair and just taxation policy.”