Sinn Féin TD for Dublin South West Seán Crowe has said that the state cannot rely almost solely on the voluntary sector or family care indefinitely without a radical change in how we support that, saying that successive governments have been happy to outsource service provision of key services in our communities for years.

Teachta Crowe said:

“While Ireland has made great strides towards an equal and inclusive society, there are few who would say that we don’t still have a lot of work to do.

“I attended a pre-Budget public meeting last night from WALK, the Walkinstown Association for People with an Intellectual Disability, and that message was loud and clear.

“Successive governments have been happy to outsource service provision of key services in our communities for years, but they won’t give them the resources and financial support to keep staff. One thing that I have been highlighting for years now is this completely unfair and unsustainable ways that we treat Section 39 organisations.

“WALK and voluntary bodies like it provide supports without which family carers especially would be left entirely on their own. Without a commensurate level of resourcing, the supports they provide will dry up and leave carers who are already under immense pressure in serious difficulty.

“Sinn Féin is committed to implementing the recommendations of the 2021-2032 Disability Capacity Review. Sinn Féin have advocated strongly in favour of increased capital funding in support of independent living especially.

“We cannot rely almost solely on the voluntary sector or family care indefinitely without a radical change in how we support that. The state has to step up and stop taking it for granted.”