Dublin South West Sinn Féin TD, Seán Crowe, has called on the Government to allow for a substantive Dáil deport on the Police Ombudsman’s Report on the Loughinisland massacre.

Crowe raised the issue in the Dáil today under Topical Issues.

Deputy Seán Crowe said:

“Along with Gerry Adams TD I raised the Loughinisland report in the Dáil today. However the topical issues format only allows for a short 10 minute debate. I called on the Government to allow for a more substantive debate on this hugely significant report.

“The report is unambiguous. It shows clear and systemic collusion between British agents, the RUC and the UVF death squad who carried out the attack.

“The depth of collusion detailed in this report goes beyond the Loughinisland massacre and the Ombudsmans Report makes a direct link with the Glenanne Gang, who were involved in the 1974 Dublin and Monaghan bombings.

“The Minister for Foreign Affairs needs to urgently raise this report, and its findings of clear collusion in the murder of Irish citizens, with the British Government.

“The British Government needs to acknowledge their responsibility in these attacks and open up their files to independent scrutiny.”