Sinn Féin TD for Dublin South West Seán Crowe has criticised local government TDs for their ‘shameful’ decision to end the eviction ban.

The government has decided to end the ban, which had been protecting people from ‘no fault’ evictions which could plunge them into homelessness in a matter of weeks.

Teachta Crowe said:

“The government’s decision to end the eviction ban is shameful and will plunge people into homelessness across Dublin South West.

“The housing crisis is devastating lives across Dublin as people cannot afford sky high rents or find suitable accommodation because of this government’s failure to get to grips with the crisis.

“We have three government TDs in Dublin South West and I would like them to come out and say why they have backed ending the eviction ban. They need to be upfront with people about this shocking decision.

“From April, people will face the prospect of losing their home because of this disgraceful decision. This includes single people, couples, parents with children and pensioners who have been badly let down by this government and deserve better.

“The government had a choice. When the emergency ban on evictions was introduced last October, Sinn Féin urged the government that it wasn’t a solution but a temporary opportunity for the breathing space in order to take emergency action needed.

“We urged them to expand the tenant in situ scheme, to extend it to affordable cost rental, to use emergency planning and procurement powers, to target vacant and derelict properties and new building technologies, to increase and accelerate the delivery of social and affordable homes.

“Shockingly, the government ignored these solutions and instead ended the ban without addressing these issues.

“Sinn Féin in government would tackle the housing crisis to make sure that action is taken to deliver the change needed. Sinn Féin has the detailed, deliverable proposals to get to grips with the housing crisis and deliver genuinely affordable homes for people in south Dublin.”